Photo Gallery of Lopesan Villa del Conde Resort

When you book a room at Lopesan Villa del Conde Resort and Thalasso to spend your holidays, a fundamental part of your decision is based on the photos of the hotel. That’s why our main priority is to give you the closest likeness, both in text and in photos, of what the place is like, what the hotel is like, as well as its rooms, its restaurants, pools and gardens, so that you can start imagining the amazing holiday awaiting you in Gran Canaria before you even start your trip.

Relaxation is one of the essential elements for a good holiday. That’s why we want to show you photos of the rooms at the Lopesan Villa del Conde Resort and Thalasso, so that you can know more about them and dream about what your room you’ll be relaxing in will be like and where it will be in Meloneras.

Keeping up with the relaxation, but this time out of your room, in your imagination, you walk towards the pool and you wonder what the area will be like. We’d like you to use the photos to discover the pool at the Lopesan Villa del Conde Hotel. You’d like a dip to cool off, wouldn’t you.

The sun caresses your skin and dries off the drips from your plunge into the pool. You want to keep relaxing but you don’t quite know how. Let us make a suggestion, look at the photos of the gardens at the Lopesan Villa del Conde Hotel, lose yourself in them and finish off the day with a warm sunset before your eyes.

We invite you to find out more about our hotel through the Lopesan Villa del Conde Resort and Thalasso photo gallery. Are you coming with us?